• ASG Committee

  • Austrian-Swiss-German (ASG) Committee

    The mission of the ASG Committee is to stimulate business and networking relations among companies, organizations and individuals linking German-speaking Europe and the Greater Cincinnati region.

    ASG Committee members meet quarterly, while also hosting monthly Stammtisch networking events.

    German for “regulars’ table” and serves as an informal platform for business networking among current and prospective EACC members, as well as ASG Committee members. In 2018 and 2019, Stammtisch networking events will be held on the first Thursday of every month.


    Please visit the EACC's Calendar of Events to learn more and to register for upcoming Stammtisch networking events.

    ASG Committee Members:
    Andreas Brockmann - Festo Didactic 
    Ron Foltz - VEGA Americas
    Clem Luken - Honorary Consul of Austria; Wood Herron & Evans
    Chad Martin - ASG Committee Chair - Barnes Dennig
    Eckard Rademann - University of Cincinnati
    Gabriel Venzin - ABM Drives


  • Upcoming Events